Brie Oaks

Brie Oaks


I am interested in reducing health disparities. While there are many strategies to do this, I investigate the possibilities involving prenatal nutrition. Nutrition during pregnancy is a low-cost investment that has the potential to not only improve birth outcomes but also to affect health in later life. My research group and I focus on conducting studies in which we collect biomarkers of micronutrient status and cortisol for lab analysis. Our work is interdisciplinary and we often collaborate with other researchers in other fields such as child development and public health.

As a professor within the Department of Nutrition, I teach courses in micronutrient nutrition and global nutrition. I completed my PhD and postdoctoral training in international nutrition at University of California, Davis. I earned an MPH from George Washington University and BA (sociology) and BS (biology) degrees from The Evergreen State College.

evelyn mensah

phd student

My research interests include maternal and child health nutrition with a focus on prenatal nutrition. Nutrition before pregnancy is equally important as nutrition during pregnancy, and if pre-conceptual nutrition is optimal, it has the potential to improve pregnancy and birth outcomes. Working in the Oaks Lab gives me the opportunity to collect and analyze biomarkers of micronutrient status of women planning on getting pregnant in undeserved communities. I earned my MS in Dietetics and BS in Nutrition and Food Science from the University of Ghana. I am a Registered Licensed Dietitian with experience in both clinical and community nutrition with several volunteering experiences within Ghana. I enjoy reading, walking and dancing.

kenneth addae

masters Student

A child's growth and development depends highly on optimum nutrition during the first 1000 days of life as well as a mother's nutrition before, during and after pregnancy. My research interest is geared towards incorporating biomarkers of health to address micronutrient gaps among pregnant women and children. I completed my BS in Nutrition and Food Science at the University of Ghana. My long term goal is to assiduously hone my skills and knowledge in the field of maternal and child nutrition to develop more robust research methods and intervention programs to bridge the gap of micronutrient deficiency in developing countries like my home country Ghana. On a flip hobby side, I love to sing chorale music and cook.

Kelly zarka

masters student

I am currently an M.S. nutrition student, after previously earning my B.S. in dietetics at URI. With plans of applying to Physician Assistant school in the near future, my fields of interest are focused within pregnancy outcomes, education, and overall obstetric/gynecological health. Specifically, a goal of mine is to reduce health disparities and varied outcomes of women in this specialty based on their geographic location, race, and ethnicity through practice to help produce a healthy result. This is a specialty that I hope to be able to enter into as a PA-C. In Oaks Lab I plan to assess micronutrient status as a potential predictor for adverse pregnancy outcomes as a main focus for my thesis. In my free time you will find me on an ambulance operating as a certified EMT-B, teaching spinning classes, or teaching an anatomy & physiology lab! I also enjoy reading, visiting coffee shops around RI, and sharing meals with friends.

ashley childs

undergraduate student

I am an undergraduate dietetics student at URI with the aspiration of working in a clinical setting with women and children. I am interested in studying maternal and child nutrition and its importance for a healthy life. In addition to this, I am fascinated in learning about the research process and how to assess, evaluate, and support individuals with poor nutritional status. I am supporting other graduate students on the team in their research on nutrition for healthy maternal and childhood outcomes. Researching diet trends around the globe and how they may benefit or inhibit nutritional status will be a necessity in order to provide the proper nutritional guidance for my future patients. I focus mainly on my studies and in my free time I work at a local coffee shop or work with children when I am home during school breaks. I also enjoy cooking, going to the gym, hiking, and going for long walks or runs outdoors.

Madison Howard

undergraduate student

My research interests involve understanding chronic disease prevention in maternal women through the use of nutrition. I am also interested in how maternal nutrition can affect birth, the fetus, and mother. I am assisting Alyssa in her research on the association between oyster consumption and iron, zinc, and cadmium levels in Ghanaian women. Currently, I am an undergraduate on the Dietetics path. I plan to graduate with my BS and pursue a MS program with an internship attached. In my future I want to go into a clinical or private practice setting with the focus on maternal/prenatal women. As an undergrad I have been a TA for NFS 207, involved in Dr. Oaks lab for two semesters, and work as a diet office representative at Wentworth Douglass Hospital in Dover, NH. At URI, I am involved in intramural coed soccer. In my free time I enjoy surfing, skiing, drawing, visiting the beach, working out and spending time with friends and family.

sophie herman

undergraduate student

I am an undergraduate at URI studying Cell and Molecular Biology, and I am also a member of the Women's Tennis team! Through athletics, I have learned about nutrition for sports performance, which has encouraged me to pursue undergraduate research in nutrition. As a researcher, I'm interested in pursuing nutrition from the aspect of maternal and fetal nutrition, as well as understanding nutrition needs for female athletes. In my first semester at the Oaks Lab, I am excited to explore the health benefits of maternal probiotic use during pregnancy for both mother and child. At URI, I am also a representative for the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, a Student Athlete Orientation Leader, and an Ambassador of the Honors Program. In the future, I hope to explore careers with medicine and medical research. In my free time, I love to try new foods, exercise, and spend time with friends and family.

Kelly MacKay

kelly mackay


I am an undergraduate student majoring in nutrition and kinesiology, and I would like to pursue a career in patient care as a physical therapist. I think both elements of exercise and nutrition are crucial for patient health, and would love to take the knowledge I gain in this lab of nutrition during pregnancy into my future career. In addition to wanting to work in healthcare, I am passionate about writing and would like to experience how research is done and information is presented to the public. In my free time I enjoy reading, spending time with friends and family, and taking my dog on long walks.